AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the Chicago Tribune is engaged in union busting and refuses to negotiate in good faith with the Typographical, Mailers and Pressmen's Unions; and

WHEREAS, the Chicago Tribune is being published by a 700-member scab force; and

WHEREAS, the Chicago Federation of Labor and the Illinois Federation of Teachers have pledged to give full support to the 1,125 members of the three striking unions:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers recommend that its members boycott the Chicago Tribune for the duration of the strike; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers urge its member locals to adopt a Chicago Tribune striker and provide financial support to his/her family; and

RESOLVED, that the convention support a rally from 2:00-2:30 P.M. July 6 at the Tribune Tower in a demonstration of solidarity with the Tribune strikers; and

RESOLVED, that all delegates to this convention are urged to attend.
