AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, since its formation in 1961, Amnesty International has consistently campaigned for the release of prisoners of conscience, including many educators and members of the labor movement who are imprisoned anywhere for their beliefs, color, sex, ethnic origin, language, or religion provided they have not used or advocated violence; and

WHEREAS, Amnesty International has also worked diligently for fair and prompt trials for all political prisoners and on behalf of those who are detained without charge or without trial as well as for an end to torture and executions; and

WHEREAS, Amnesty International has carried out this work everywhere in the world without regard to ideology, either of the right or the left; and

WHEREAS, Amnesty International has, through the years, distinguished itself by consistently upholding human rights everywhere as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights covenants:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers salute Amnesty International on its 25th anniversary, pledge its continued support of its mission and urge its locals to participate in Amnesty International's worldwide work to protect and extend human rights.
