AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, in January 2002, after years of work by Congress, the president signed into law HR 1, the Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This federal law provides dramatic increases in federal support for education some additional $500 million to New York state over the previous budget year. Further significant increases are authorized for future years; and


WHEREAS, some other highlights of changes and new requirements to the ESEA include:


n       Mandatory testing of math and reading in grades 3-8¾The new law requires states to develop and administer tests to all students in grades 3-8 in reading and math. The state education department has indicated that while they have not yet determined what these tests will be, they have confirmed that the current tests in grades 4 and 8 will satisfy the federal requirements.


n       Teacher quality¾The law requires that all teachers serving in Title I schools be deemed "highly qualified." Highly qualified is defined as meeting state certification standards for preparation and testing, including programs preparing teachers through an alternate certification route.


n       Paraprofessional requirements¾The law will require that paraprofessionals working in programs funded by Title I have completed:

1)       two years of postsecondary education

2)       earned an associate's degree or

3)       for an applicant with a high school diploma, demonstrate necessary skills through "formal state or local academic assessment."

All new hires must meet these requirements, and current paraprofessionals have four years to comply with them.


n       Reading First grants¾Formula grants will be provided to state education agencies and local education agencies to utilize scientifically based reading research to implement comprehensive reading instruction for children in grades K-3. In 2001, New York state was awarded $82 million over a two-year period for a Reading Excellence Act grant. This new Reading First grant will supplement the Reading Excellence Act grant in future years.


n       Funds for professional development¾Funds will be provided to local education agencies to provide professional development for a variety of purposes, including insuring that all teachers are highly qualified by the end of the 2005-2006 school year, providing professional development aimed at correcting deficiencies that lead to the identification of schools needing improvement, mentoring and other purposes:


RESOLVED, in recognition of the additional requirements and possibilities provided by the revised Elementary and Secondary Education Act that the AFT lobby vigorously for the authorized funding increases in subsequent years so that the initiatives, which begin immediately, can continue to be developed and successfully implemented.
