AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the changing nature of work is demanding a much higher level of academic, employability and occupational/technical knowledge and skills for successful entry and advancement in a career for all; and

WHEREAS, the AFT has led the fight for higher standards for all students; and

WHEREAS, research has identified a number of successful approaches to career and technical education, including High Schools that Work, specialized career academies, and well-implemented tech-prep programs, among others, that have resulted in increased academic course taking, improved high school retention, greater college-going rates and greater employment and earning outcomes; and

WHEREAS, reauthorization of the federal Vocational Education Act is scheduled for 2003:


RESOLVED, that the AFT reiterate its strong support for both secondary and postsecondary career and technical education that identifies clear academic, employability, and occupational/technical standards with aligned assessments and curriculum; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT support federal legislation that incorporates professional development for teachers and other education professionals, improved career counseling, better articulation between secondary and postsecondary education and training, effective state leadership, improved research on effective models and the application of neurological and cognitive science on learning and assessment for career and technical education; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT advocate for federal funding that directs resources to states to target funding, by formula, to serve students most in need, including economically disadvantaged, minorities, second-language learners, females and members of other special populations, and to local schools based on a competitive basis that incorporates the findings of research-based, proven programs; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT monitor the implementation of the reauthorized legislation and continue to disseminate information on successful models and approaches to career and technical education to its affiliates and members.
