AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT has since its inception led the fight for human rights and dignity whenever they have been threatened; and

WHEREAS, the California initiative entitled "Illegal Aliens" "Ineligibility for Public Services," also known as "S.O.S" "Save Our State" threatens the right of all children to education; and

WHEREAS, the "S.O.S". initiative creates an atmosphere of suspicion and fear among all immigrants and service providers; and

WHEREAS, the "S.O.S." initiative would return California to the xenophobia of the nineteenth through mid-twentieth century; and

WHEREAS, the "S.O.S." initiative would require education workers, social service providers, and health professionals to verify and report the legal status of immigrants, and thereby function as de facto agents of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; and

WHEREAS, this added burden of policing the legal status of children and their parents and of social service clients would seriously impair the ability of education, health, and social service workers to operate as professionals; and

WHEREAS, the expulsion of alleged undocumented individuals from schools and colleges would postpone the achievement of world class standards by all students:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers oppose the California "S.O.S." initiative; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT oppose any similar measures to emerge in other states or localities.
