AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, this nation has adopted the goal of providing for our children to enter school ready to learn; and

WHEREAS, children entering school who are not ready to learn are more likely to be placed in special education classes, to drop out of school, to become involved in juvenile crime, and to become part of a permanent underclass as adults; and

WHEREAS, children who have been provided with successful early childhood education programs beginning at three years of age are significantly less likely to be placed in special education, to drop out of school, to become juvenile delinquents, and are more likely to become employed as adults; and

WHEREAS, successful early childhood education programs are characterized by adult-child ratios not exceeding 1 to 8, have language-rich curricula, include parent education components, and accept students who are diverse in culture, language and ability; and

WHEREAS, there are severe pressures on school budgets and demands for relief from costs for special education and remedial programs; and

WHEREAS, the Council for Economic Development has estimated that there is a $7 savings in future costs for each dollar invested in successful early childhood education programs:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers make it a priority to encourage the establishment of successful early childhood education programs by educating its local and state leaders as to the efficacy of such programs; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers encourage state and local affiliates to lobby state legislatures to require that all public school systems offer successful early childhood education programs; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers encourage the president and Congress to increase appropriations to expand opportunities so that all three- and four-year-olds have access to successful early childhood education programs.
