AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, globalization of the economy is now inevitable and pervasive; and

WHEREAS, such globalization is supported and fueled by huge, often newly merged, corporations without the normal allegiance of national and state laws protecting the human and civil rights of workers and consumers; and

WHEREAS, many free trade agreements have resulted in increased trade deficits, increased unemployment and exploitation of workers in underdeveloped economies; and

WHEREAS, in some cases where child labor is rampant and human rights are ignored, "free trade" has become a euphemism for "slave trade"; and

WHEREAS, groups supporting rapid globalization, such as the IMF, WTO and the World Bank, often promote austerity policies that place severe hardships on consumers and ordinary workers in underdeveloped countries; and

WHEREAS, corrupt oligarchies in some countries frequently siphon funds intended to support development; and

WHEREAS, interest payments on loans from the IMF and World Bank frequently impose harsh burdens on families and prevent adequate funding of schools and hospitals in countries trying desperately to modernize their economies; and

WHEREAS, the European Economic Union has already provided a successful model for economic development that respects human and civil rights; and

WHEREAS, the EEC requires all member countries to respect labor's rights to organize free trade unions and to sign human rights protocols before full membership is granted:

RESOLVED, that the AFT, through the AFL-CIO, continue its long-standing battle for human rights and labor rights for all citizens in all countries; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT, in conjunction with the AFL-CIO, lobby Congress to secure amendments to all international monetary funding through the IMF, the World Bank or other groups to guarantee that loans and grants be linked to regulations and laws mandating recipient respect for labor and human rights; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT with the AFL-CIO continue to work for environmental protections as a basic part of international programs; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT work with the AFL-CIO and other human rights groups to seek congressional support for international economic development programs that adopt human and labor rights protocols like those used by the European Economic Union; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT with the AFL-CIO support the humane and fiscally sound efforts to reduce Third World debts so that countries have more capital for investment in education, infrastructure and health; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT with the AFL-CIO support economic globalization efforts that bind economic development with political reforms and support for democracy.
