AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, union members represent one of the largest groups of health care users and purchasers; and

WHEREAS, the health care industry remains one that is primarily nonunion; and

WHEREAS, union purchasers have the ability to collectively influence the way in which health care is provided and the quality of the care being delivered; and

WHEREAS, the health care industry is in the midst of a massive restructuring of the delivery of health care and new, untested models of patient care are being designed and implemented with little or no information about the impact on quality care or cost savings; and

WHEREAS, concerns about improving profits and bottom lines drive the health care industry; and

WHEREAS, studies have concluded that the fewer number of licensed nurses available to provide health care, the higher the risk to the patient; and

WHEREAS, health care workers, as well as purchasers and patients, must have a voice in restructuring and to know what care they are getting for their dollar:


RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers and other unions work to build coalitions with consumers to fight for consumer protection and legislation, which includes the requirement that consumer reports be published to all the health care consumers to reveal the impact of restructuring on the quality of health care; to demand consumer reports on the quality of various health plans; and to launch union and consumer coalitions to work together collectively on quality health care issues. (Executive Council)
