AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the American Federation of Teachers has been a strong advocate of initiatives that promote employee involvement/workplace cooperation programs aimed at achieving the highest standards of quality and service in the institutions in which its members work; and

WHEREAS, the report of the Secretary of Labor's Task Force on State and Local Government through Labor-Management Cooperation concludes that participation of management, union leaders and workers in employee involvement/workplace cooperation programs results in better service, more cost-effectiveness, better quality of work life and improved labor/management relations; and

WHEREAS, recognition of and respect for the role of the union in facilitating employee involvement is a necessary component of AFT-supported, successful workplace cooperation programs and

WHEREAS, employer-dominated employee involvement/workplace cooperation schemes and plans such as Classified Senates or Councils, etc. that do not recognize or respect the role of the union in the workplace and seek to undermine the collective bargaining process create a hostile and adversarial atmosphere in the workplace that diverts the positive energy and efforts of employees and management from providing high-quality, fiscally responsible and effective service; and

WHEREAS, union-endorsed employee involvement/workplace cooperation programs that ensure that the unique knowledge and expertise of employees are a key component in workplace decisions, are vital if the institutions in which AFT members work are to meet current and future challenges:


RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers continue to promote and support employee involvement/workplace cooperation programs that involve union leadership, management and workers in workplace decisions that promote high standards of quality, fiscal responsibility, efficient delivery of service and vigorously oppose employer-dominated undemocratic employee involvement schemes; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers promote union-endorsed employee involvement/workplace cooperation programs as a proven and positive alternative to unproved, simplistic and divisive schemes, including privatization, outsourcing, reliance on temporary or contingent employees, as well as other schemes or initiatives that do not include, rely on or solicit the cooperation and input of the institution’s employees and union leadership; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers and its affiliates support state and federal legislation and policies that promote union-endorsed employee involvement/workplace cooperation initiatives and oppose federal and state legislation and policies such as the TEAM Act that seek to create employer-dominated employee involvement/workplace cooperation schemes that and the collective bargaining process; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers continue to assist affiliates in establishing union-endorsed employee involvement/workplace cooperation initiatives and provide information on effective training programs, staff assistance, scholarly articles and research on labor/management cooperation and employee involvement; and

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers continue to develop materials and strategies to educate the public, community groups and politicians on the important contribution employees can make toward creating a high-quality workplace.
