AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, the AFT's longstanding faculty union at Quinnipiac University has come under attack from an administration bent on denying professors their basic human right to collective bargaining; and

WHEREAS, the AFT represents more higher education faculty and professional staff at colleges and universities all over the country than any other union in America; and

WHEREAS, the AFT has a noble tradition of leadership in higher education and has represented faculty at private institutions dating back to 1918; and

WHEREAS, the AFT has represented the faculty at Quinnipiac University since 1975; and

WHEREAS, the AFT represents faculty at 27 other private colleges and universities; and

WHEREAS, faculty at Quinnipiac University are committed to collective bargaining and to improving collegiality and enhanced shared decision-making at Quinnipiac; and

WHEREAS, the Quinnipiac administration's recent actions diminish the status of the faculty and relegate faculty to a merely consultative role in institutional decision-making; and

WHEREAS, the Quinnipiac University president's recent dismissal of a unanimous faculty senate resolution foreshadows a new era of presidential unilateralism; and

WHEREAS, the basic human right of employees to negotiate with their employer can never be revoked through the whims of a university president or by decree of an administrative agency:

RESOLVED, that the American Federation of Teachers censure the administration of Quinnipiac University for its shameful attack on the rights of Quinnipiac faculty; and

RESOLVED, that the AFT call for the restoration of full collective bargaining for faculty at Quinnipiac University; and

RESOLVED, that, in the event the Quinnipiac administration does not restore full collective bargaining, the AFT will publicize Quinnipiac University's attack upon faculty rights amongst the AFT membership, the labor community and the public at large.
