AFT Resolution



WHEREAS, Local 22 of the Mexican National Education Workers Union (SNTE)—representing teachers in Oaxaca, Mexico—is on a protracted strike, and, in the best traditions of teacher unionism, is demanding not only decent wages but also adequate funding for schools and stipends to allow the poorest students to attend school; and

WHEREAS, after the Oaxaca state governor, Ulises Ruíz Ortíz, blocked negotiations, the teachers on May 22, 2006, began an occupation of a massive tent city in the main square of Oaxaca; and

WHEREAS, on June 2, 2006, more than 100,000 people marched in Oaxaca to show their support for the teachers’ struggle; and

WHEREAS, at dawn on Wednesday, June 14, 2006, state police brutally attacked the teachers' camp for four hours, launching tear gas grenades from a helicopter, and leaving nearly 100 strikers injured, some of them severely:

RESOLVED, that the AFT:

  • condemn the state police attack on our striking brother and sister teachers in Oaxaca;
  • join the growing international condemnation of the use of state violence to break a teachers’ union;
  • support the demands of Local 22 of the SNTE for fair salaries and funds for adequate buildings and supplies, and for student stipends for the poor;
  • express solidarity with their courage and organization in winning such wide public support of their struggle and defending their encampment;
  • ask the AFT Executive Council to consider contributing funds to replace the teachers’ radio equipment—a vital part of their communication with the public—which was destroyed by the police; and be it further

RESOLVED, that AFT call on the Oaxaca governor and the Mexican president to end all police attacks on the teachers immediately, return to negotiations, and meet the teachers' just demands.
