AFT Resolution


WHEREAS, six million civilian women served on the United States home front in World War II, including 37,000 women who died while working in the factories to aid in the war effort; and


WHEREAS, the National Park Foundation, with support of Ford Motor Company, is preparing a Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park to be located in Richmond, Calif., site of one of the WW II factories; and


WHEREAS, stories (even of women who stayed home during this period), artifacts and information are needed for this museum:


RESOLVED, that members of the AFT encourage everyone they know who deserves to be honored at the Rosie the Riveter/WW II Home Front National Historical Park to log on to or to call 800/497-6743 to share personal stories and any memento, anecdote and memory of that World War II experience; and


RESOLVED, that this information be circulated in articles in AFT publications.


