Local Affiliates

The AFT Public Employees Department supports the work of our local and state affiliates. Below are some of our affiliates that maintain an active website.

If you need assistance connecting with your local affiliate, please call 202-879-4400 and ask to be directed to the Public Employees Department.


Alaska Higher Education Crafts & Trades Employees, Local 6070

Alaska Housing Maintenance and Custodial Employees Association, Local 6082

Alaska Public Employees Association, Supervisory Unit, Local 4900

Anchorage Council of Education, Local 4425

City of Bethel Employees Association, Local 6055

City of Nome, Local 6141

Confidential Employees Association, Local 6133

Fairbanks North Star Borough Employees Association, Local 6125

Juneau Mental Health Professionals, Local 6134

Kenai Peninsula Borough Employees, Local 6140

Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Local 6137

Matanuska-Susitna Borough Employees Association, Local 6136

Nome Joint Utilities, Local 6138

Petersburg Municipal Employees Association, Local 6132

Retired Public Employees Association, Local 4900R

Seward Public Employees Association, Local 6585


Colorado WINS (Workers for Innovation and New Solutions), Local 1876


Administrative and Residual Employees Union, Local 4200

Association of Connecticut Assistant Attorneys General, Local 6574

Judicial Professional Employees, Local 4200B

State Vocational Federation of Teachers, Local 4200A

University Health Professionals, Local 3837

University of Connecticut Professional Employees Association, Local 3695


Federation of Indian Service Employees, Local 4524


Guam Federation of Teachers, Local 1581


Illinois Federation of Public Employees, Local 4408


Kansas Organization of State Employees, Local 300

Kansas State University, Local 6400


AFT Healthcare Maryland, Local 5197

Baltimore County Federation of Public Employees, Local 4883

Baltimore County Federation of Public Health Nurses, Local 5102

City Union of Baltimore, Local 800

Maryland Classified Employees Association, Local 1935

Maryland Professional Employees Council, Local 6197

Maryland School for the Deaf Faculty and Staff Association, Local 4828


Massachusetts Library Staff Association, Local 4928


Montana Federation of Public Employees, Local 8024

New Jersey

Union of Rutgers Administrators, Local 1766

New York

Librarians Association of the Buffalo and Erie County Library, Local 6276

New York State Lifeguard Corps, Local 7956

New York State Public Employees Federation, Local 4053

North Dakota

North Dakota Public Employees, Local 4660


Federation of State Cultural and Educational Professionals, Local 2382

Rhode Island

Professional Staff Association at Rhode Island College, Local 3302


Wisconsin Professional Employees Council, Local 4848

Wisconsin Science Professionals, Local 3732